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OLD Privacy Policy


pursuant to Art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (the "GDPR")


This page describes the characteristics of the processing of personal data of users (the "Users") of the website (the "Site").


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The information on this page does NOT apply to third party sites, apps and content of any kind, even if accessible from the Site by clicking on links on it.

In these cases, the data protection provisions of such third parties may be applicable, which may be different from these and which we advise the User to consult before disclosing any data.


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1     Data controllers and contact details of the Data Controllers

For the purposes of this information, the data controllers are jointly the companies GISMONDI 1754 S.p.A., with registered office in GENOA (GE) VIA GALATA 34/R cap 16121, company cap Euro 812.960,00, VAT. 01516720990 (“Gismondi”) and Stelle with registered office in GENOA (GE) VIA GALATA 74/R cap 16121, company cap Euro 25.000,00, VAT. 01883350991 (“Stelle”) (hereinafter jointly indicated as  "Controllers").

To resolve any doubts about how the Controllers processes personal data, it is always possible to contact them at the following addresses:



  • e-mail address:
  • street address: VIA GALATA 74/R cap 16121, Genova


  • e-mail address:
  • street address: VIA GALATA 74/R cap 16121, Genova

2     Methods of data collection and types of data processed

Navigation data collected automatically by the Site: access and navigation data

Whenever Users access the Site, the computer systems and software procedures used to operate the Site acquire, during their normal operation, access and navigation data (for example: information on the browser used by the User, visited pages, date, time and duration of each visit, as well as other parameters relating to the User's operating system and computer environment - the "Navigation Data").


Data communicated by Users: registration data as "new user” and expedition of the goods

Through the account/register section, Users can register on the Site by entering: first name, last name, e-mail address, password, expedition address (the “Communicated Data”).


The Navigation Data and the Communicated Data hereinafter jointly referred to as Personal Data.



The Site uses computer techniques for the direct acquisition of Personal Data identifying the User consisting of "code strings": "cookies".

For all the information on cookies active on the Site and the related processing of Personal data and their characteristics…CLICK HERE!


Social buttons and widgets

On the Site, Users can also find social buttons/widgets, i.e. those particular "buttons" depicting social network icons (for example, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). These "buttons" allow Users who are browsing the Site to reach and interact with a "click" directly with social networks. Thanks to the click on social buttons/widgets, the social network acquires the data related to the User's visit on the Site. Apart from these cases, the Controllers do not share or disseminate any navigation information or data of the User with any social network.  

3     Purpose and legal basis of the processing

The Navigation Data will be used:

(i)        in order to monitor the proper functioning of the Site,

(ii)       in anonymous and aggregated form, for statistical purposes related to the understanding of how the Site is used by Users, to improve the ease of access and increase its attractiveness, as well as

(iii)      to detect any technical problems as soon as possible.

These processing operations have their legal basis in the legitimate interest of the Controllers in the improvement of its products and digital services, and are compatible with the position of the interested parties as they are compatible: (a) the monitoring of the functioning of the Site and the statistical data related to its use does not involve direct identification; and (b) the Controllers’ interest seems reasonably to be also of the Users, who will thus be able to benefit from an increasingly performing and optimized Site.


Data voluntarily transmitted by Users, will be used exclusively to:  

(i)         allow the User to register on the Site;

(ii)        allow the purchase of products through the Site;  

(iii)       respond to any requests that Users may make with regard to products purchased;

(iv)       allow the Controllers to comply with legal obligations incumbent on it; as well as  

(v)        guarantee the right of defence of the Controllers in court with regard to any disputes relating to the execution of contracts concluded with the Users.

The legal bases of this treatment are: (a) the need to perform contractual and pre-contractual measures, or activities in any case related to the performance of a contract, (b) and to fulfil the related legal obligations incumbent on the Controllers; (c) as well as the legitimate interest of the Controllers in the defence in court. Legitimate interest which, in balancing the opposing interests between the parties, does not entail a violation of the rights and freedoms of the User, since judicial defence is a right guaranteed by the legal system.


It is necessary to provide the Personal Data mentioned above, since they are essential for the execution of the purposes for which they are processed.


(vi)        carry out marketing activities by sending newsletters and/or generic offers to all Users

The legal basis for such processing is the User's consent issued through the box embedded into the cart in the section related to the submission of the address. Lack of consent to the use of the data referred to point (vi) will not affect the execution of a contract or the adoption of pre-contractual measures at the User's request.

4     Recipients of the communication of Personal Data

The Personal Data will be communicated and may be known (i) by employees and/or collaborators in any capacity of the Controllers, duly instructed and/or designated for processing and (ii) subsidiaries, holding companies and/or in any way affiliated to the Controllers for the performance of the above purposes; as well as (iii) by third parties providing services ancillary or instrumental to the Controllers’ activities, such as for example related to the development, supply, maintenance and operational management of the Site, specifically appointed as data processors.


A list of the parties appointed as processor can be requested to the Controllers through the contact addresses indicated in this notice.

5     Place of processing and transfer abroad of Personal Data

The processing of the User's Personal Data will take place at the Controllers offices indicated above, and the Personal Data will be stored on servers located within the European Union, or within countries which are considered safe, for the processing of personal data by an adequacy decision of the European Commission.


Any further transfers of Personal Data abroad will only take place, to countries that do not benefit from an adequacy decision of the European Commission and which, therefore, do not offer an adequate level of protection of Personal Data, if (i) appropriate safeguards are adopted, such as, for example, the signing of standard clauses approved by the European Commission, or other safeguards pursuant to art. 46 of the GDPR (ii) the use of an exception to the prohibition of transfers outside the European Union pursuant to art. 49 of the GDPR and, therefore, always by way of example, subject to the collection of the User's explicit and informed consent, or only to the extent necessary for the execution of a contract concluded between the User and the Controllers, or between the Controllers and a third party for the benefit of the User, or the execution of pre-contractual measures taken at the User's request.

6     Methods of Processing, Security Measures and Period of Retention of Personal Data

Personal Data will be processed both in paper form and with electronic, computerized or automated tools, through systems that ensure their protection, security and confidentiality.

The Controllers have also adopted specific and adequate logical, legal, organizational and technical security measures to prevent the loss of Personal Data, unlawful or unauthorized use of the same and unauthorized access.


The Navigation Data - which do not allow the identification of the Users - do not persist for more than 1 (one) week and are deleted immediately after their aggregation (except for any need to ascertain crimes by the competent Judicial Authority);


Communicated Data will be retained for longer periods of time where necessary: (i) to implement the contractual/pre-contractual measures and for the entire duration of any contractual relationship with the Controllers; (ii) to fulfil statutory and/or legal obligations; and (iii) to ensure the judicial protection of the Controllers' rights, in compliance with ordinary prescription terms.


7     User Rights

The Users, as interested parties (i.e., parties to whom the Personal Data refer), are holders of rights conferred by GDPR. In particular, pursuant to Articles 12-23 of the GDPR, data subjects have the right to request and obtain, at any time, access to their Personal Data, information on the processing carried out, rectification and/or updating of Personal Data, cancellation and limitation of processing. They also have the right to object to the processing and to request the portability of the data (i.e. to receive Personal Data in a structured format for common use, readable by automatic devices). Finally, the data subjects, where they have given their consent, have the right to revoke their consent at any time (this, in any case, will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent given before the revocation) and to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (in Italy: the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data).

8     Contact Information

The above rights may be exercised at any time, by simple request to the Controllers, to be transmitted to the following:




  • e-mail address:
  • street address: VIA GALATA 74/R cap 16121, Genova


  • e-mail address:
  • street address: VIA GALATA 74/R cap 16121, Genova


For further information or clarifications on the rights mentioned, Users can contact the Controllers at the same contact details.


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The Controllers may modify this information to adapt it to future enlargements or modifications of the Site.
